Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pregnancy Update: Week 35

Doctor visit this morning. I haven't even stepped on the scale in two weeks, but at the doctor's office this morning, I think I may have only gained 1 pound, or maybe stayed the same. I don't pay a lot of attention to what the scale says there. I prefer to use the one in the gym at work. My blood pressure is still good at 116/62. My doctor made a weird comment this morning when she measured my uterus. She said I'm all baby this morning. I guess he had his butt sticking up against my stomach. When I laid down, my belly was rock hard and had that odd loaf-of-bread-under-the-skin look.

Next week I start going every week. I'm taking next Thursday off entirely since I've got a doctor's appointment in the morning, and a hair appointment in the afternoon. I also finally scheduled a dentist appointment for next Monday morning. Joy. I don't want one, but I need one, and I know I'm not going to be in any mood for one for several months.

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