Saturday, January 17, 2009

3D/4D Ultrasound

Since my mom is visiting, I thought it would be cool to do a 3D/4D ultrasound. That's where you can actually see the baby in 3D in the womb. The 4th D is time, where they make a video of his movements. Unfortunately, he was sleeping and didn't want to wake up. He moved around some, but most of the time, he had a hand in front of his face, so it was hard to see. The tech did get some good pictures though. We saw him yawn at the very beginning, but they hadn't started recording yet. It was fun, even if it wasn't strictly necessary.

Here are some of the 3D pictures.

Here's his face.

Here he is all scrunched up with his hands and face.

He kept putting his hands over his eyes.

One chubby foot and one chubby hand.

Still sleeping. I should have had some coffee before I went in.

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